22nd NYC PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST 2016- 4TH Place Winning Essay by Emil Duda (James Madison High School)

Gun control has become a very controversial topic within recent years as a result of increased media coverage of mass shootings. Even though a complete solution to the controversies between pro-gun and pro-gun control politicians does not exist, many politicians take sides, mostly in favor of their political parties. Bernie Sanders, the candidate for the Democratic nomination for president supports increased gun control. The candidate for the Republican nomination, Donald Trump, does not support increased gun control and is in favor of curbing current gun control policies. On this issue, I would agree more with Trump because the provisions of the second amendment contain one of the most essential rights, a right that protects all of your other rights.

Bernie Sanders supports increasing gun control by extending background checks and banning certain assault weapons and weapons used by the military. (CBS) Sanders wants to restrict the Second Amendment on the basis that our rights are not completely impregnable. Sanders does have a point, many of our rights are restricted in order to protect lives but restricting the right to own guns does not protect lives, as seen in southern Chicago, which has the strictest gun control in the country but has a homicide rate similar of that of Iraq. Sanders has also been a long supporter of a ban of assault weapons, but banning assault weapons has been shown ineffective in curbing crime. The federal assault weapons ban resulted in an increase of gun persecutions by 68% and increased the persons in charge with weapon related crimes by 22% in 2003. (Washington Times) This shows that controlling assault weapons will note contribute to a decrease in gun violence.

Donald Trump supports removing bans on all guns and defending the rights of law abiding citizens to won guns. Trump believes that America should fight crime by giving criminals in places like Chicago or Baltimore harsher sentences and also by allowing citizens to open carry and defend themselves (HNNGN) Trump also states that law enforcement cannot be everywhere and on time to prevent every single accident so the people must at times be able to make choices to defend themselves. I do not agree that harsher sentences would discourage criminals but citizens being able to open carry and legally defend themselves might scare off criminals from committing murder or robbing individuals. Criminals do not care about prison sentences and often do not think they will get caught, but when they see that their future victim holds a weapon, a primordial instinct is activated to prevent the criminal from being murdered. Trump also states that expanding background checks does not work because criminals are not stupid enough to try to pass them; they would rather obtain weapons from family members or by stealing them. This could be plausible, but most criminals are not very intelligent, although some avoid background checks by stealing weapons.

Although Sanders’ claim that our rights are not absolute is plausible, I favor the gun policies of Trump because being able to defend yourself effectively, even in public should be possible for every law abiding citizen. Banning assault weapons does not reduce gun crime and banning military and police weapons from civilian use is against constitutional ideas. Writers of the constitution did not want the people to be able to protect themselves, but the Second Amendment was primarily meant to provide Americans with a means of being able to rebel against a corrupt government.

Sanders’ and Trump both have some good points and flaws in their arguments, but the Second Amendment is the only Amendment to protect our rights as people. “All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree.” (James Madison) Owning weapons, even assault and military style weapons make sure that the citizens of the United States have a means to defend themselves against tyranny and extreme corruption of the government. If the citizens are able to own weapons, they are able to protect their rights as the government will fear rebellion by armed citizens. Armed are the greatest insurance policy to keeping the government in check. Not only should citizens be able to uncompromisingly defend themselves, but they should be able to rebel when the needs of the country as a whole are not satisfied by a corrupt government. Our Amendments were a reaction from the monarchies and dictatorships of Europe, and to ensure that our government is kept in check, the Second Amendment lets citizens legally own weapons which protect their rights. Of course, with this right comes the risk of accidental and premeditated deaths, but that is something we have to endure to enjoy the right of owning weapons.


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